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What is your belt in #MuayThai?!

While in Brazil I was asked "whats your belt in Muay Thai"!?-- Now, having spent 5 years living in Thailand and visiting the country every year since--I...

Now that is what I call a dessert! Mmmmmmmm

While in Curitiba Brazil, you have to try the ingenious crepe-like pancakes that are made with manioc (tapioca) flour. They are a popular street food in...

Meeting the Vale Tudo legend Jose Pele Landi Jons

I know for many of the new fans of MMA they read the blog entry and thought to themselves….WHO?! ….but for those of us who have been around MMA long...

Crazy Contortionist street performer in Curitiba Brazil! *MUST WATCH*

While visiting the downtown square in Curitiba Brazil I was lucky enough to encounter these two street performers doing their best contortionist acts. It was...

Next week @SpiderAnderson at #GoldsGym #kuwait

next week Former UFC Champion Anderson the spider Silva will be in Kuwait as part of the grand opening of the new Gold's Gym.Considered by many as one of the...

Guess who got a new #tattoo!

Okay, it's just a small one---but I started to get the itch for a bit of new ink.  The Rock Academia in Colombo Brazil has a Tattoo artist training, who also...