Saturday, April 11th, 2015

Gold’s Gym Kuwait is officially open!

I just arrived into Kuwait a couple of days ago, and the big news was UFC Champion Anderson ‘The Spider’ Silva was going to be making an appearance in Kuwait for the Grand Opening of the Gold’s Gym in Kuwait.  Anyone from the USA is already familiar with Gold’s Gym thanks to their infamous marketing and the success of their bodybuilding program, which at one time had the biggest star of all, Arnold Schwarznegger flying it’s colors.

I was fortunate to get a VIP pass thanks to Gold’s Gym Kuwait’s head Golds Gym MMA instructor Amr Hafiz, a Judo Black Belt from Egypt.

Anderson Silva in Kuwait

The event officially started at 5PM, with MMA Star Anderson Silva arriving at 6:30.  Dealing with customary traffic on the gulf road on a Thursday, I made it to the event around 7.

Walking around the inside of the facility it was really nice to see the complex.  Great equipment, spacious facility, really one of the best Gold’s Gyms probably in the entire world.  They had small appetizers and drinks for the established VIP guests, which included the US Ambassador to Kuwait Mr. Douglas Siliman.

Unfortunately the crowd was a bit much for me, and so I didn’t grab a picture with Anderson Silva–however next time I’m in California I plan on stopping into his Blackhouse academy to train with fellow Al Batal coach Medhi Baghdad. (Don’t forget, tomorrow 9pm KSA Al Batal will be airing on FOX within the MENA REGION…Set your DVr)

I was hoping to get an interview with Gold’s Gym MMA Coach Amr Hafiz, however he was very busy overseeing the opening of Kuwait Golds Gym, hopefully I can catch up with him in the next week or two for an interview on my blog.

With so many bodybuilders in the crowd last night, I expect Gold’s Gym Q8 to become on of the leading facilities in the region for that sport.