Post archive for: Uncategorized

The man who killed Johnny Depp

if John Wayne was still alive he would be called Don Frye! While in Vegas a couple of weeks ago I ran into this old school game Tudo legend, turned movie star...

And we’re off

okay, I know the blog has been neglected the past few weeks. Ramadan has started in Kuwait, and I've been very busy with private training, and adjusting to the...

600 million people to get electricity in Africa!

congrats to hip hop star Akon on his contribution. Organizing a solar electric panel system to help provide electricity to over 600 million people in Africa!...

Big win for AZ mma scene @ufc

Congrats to Anthony Birchak on his impressive KO over Joe Soto, a fighter that took Dillashaw 5 rounds, and has proven to be one of the top Bantamweights in...

The journey to a new barber…

anyone that really knows me, knows I support the local barber in whatever country I visit.No matter where I go it always seems I find a barber to get a cut and...

Great omoplata defense video 

omoplata is one of my best attacks and transitions so I don't know how I feel about sharing this video on the blog, lol--but when people learn to defend your...