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Wat Chalong Temple

Sunday afternoon--just finished watching the Floyd Maywheather fight and headed over to the temple. Thailand is 90% Buddhist--which makes it a very unique...

Lab gai arroy mak mak!!

This is one of my favorite Thai dishes... Minced chicken--spicy salad...reminds you of mexican cevecha...

Aaaahhh…the beach!

Saturday....heading to the beach after open mat grappling practice. The sand on the beaches here in thailand feels...

I have caught the gay…AGAIN!!

EVERY TIME I get my haircut in Thailand...I get the gay guy! Just once...I'd like the hot girl working!! One of the things I miss most about the states is...

Here kitty kitty…

I'm really thinking about getting a pet... I like dogs--but my schedule is so busy...I'm thinking a cat might be a better option. Cats take care of...

…Silence…of the lamb…

LOL... They say "Silence is Golden"---We'll those of you who know me...missed a golden opportunity. This Lamb Shank dinner was so good...I sat in complete...