Post archive for: Uncategorized

Miss the @albatalofficial season premier?!

You miss the season premier of Al Batal on Fox Movies?! Not one of the 60 million homes in the MENA region with access?! ...Don't worry, tomorrow the show...

Turn on Fox Movies 5:30 (KSA) to see me on @albatalofficial

Boom! Al Batal season 2 starts in just a few minutes on Fox Movies! Tune in and support mma in the...

The gangsta @catzingano returns!

The first mother to ever compete in the octagon returns this weekend! Cat Zingano has battled it all and come on top. She is a champion in life, and this...

Congrats Hussain Khorsheed on the blue belt! @kuwaitmma @phukettopteam

Was rewarding to recognize Kuwait MMA Combat Athletics grappler Hussain Khorsheed today for all the hard work and dedication he's shown to the art of...

#warwand sad day for mma #wearetogether

This video is sad. Wanderlia Silva is an absolute legend in the sport of MMA, long before PRIDE, long before UFC, Wanderlia was fighting his hear out in...

Visa run to Malaysia

Was a wonderful afternoon visiting Thong Weng Hon today in Malaysia. Since I didn't sort a visa from the Thai embassy before arrival I only get 30 days....