Post archive for: Partying

Party like a ROCKSTAR…

ALL GREAT TRAINING CAMPS...have to end with a GREAT PARTY :) Martial Combat 5 and 6 were no exception.   Heading out to Seduction Disco in Patong, we met...

You know your a drunk when…

When you can have this many EMPTY bottles of Jack Daniels. A bottle of Jack this size is almost 60$ in Thailand!!!...these empty bottles could have prolly...

Off to BBQ Beatdown…

BBQ Beatdown has become a bit of a legendary thing around Tiger Muay Thai :) Every month (usually on the full moon) TMT promotes an ALL YOU CAN EAT/DRINK...

You Got Served!

I had to laugh out loud today when Gary--one of the beginners in my MMA class started to break out "The Worm". Gary has been at the gym for awhile now, and...

Really…you don’t know what ‘shotgun a beer’ means?!

Okay....So I was asked today at the beach what  'shotgun' a beer means... I have to admit--it's been awhile since I've actually drank a beer that way. ...

I am Ironman!

120THB to see a movie in Thailand at the movie theater...that is about 4$ USD. Ironman 2 wasn't bad...I'll prolly go pick it up on DVD next week at one of...